Pretty good, could have used a few old things though!
The online mode is great, they really needed to add that to a GTA game to make it just that much more fun, who doesn't want to go crazy wild in a big city with a bunch of friends, or hell maybe even people you don't know!
But, I really wish they would have kept a few things from Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas!
Such as, but not limited to:
-Weapons: They took out ALOT of weapons, I think there are only about 16 on this new game? I could be wrong but very few in comparison to other Grand theft Auto games.
-Car mods: A great addition they made to San Andreas that I wish they would have improved on this game, but they didn't even have it!
-Special things: Such as parachutes and jet packs, they cheap fun that they provided was awesome!
-Car Detail: Although the graphics are much better than any other GTA game out, it still didn't do much for their cars, it's all kind of the same stuff!
Things I like, ALOT:
-Better Graphics
-More Realistic Driving
-Online: But they really messed some things up online, cars and bikes will just randomly dissapear when you are staring right at them!
-Better Story
-Harder to make money: No Casino :(
-More jobs!
-Friends you can come up to on the street!
-Cell phone: You can set up dates, and hang out with friends, phone is custumizable!
All and all, it's a great game, but they took out a bit too much.