GTA IV is a great game but it's overrated.

User Rating: 9.5 | Grand Theft Auto IV PS3
GTA IV is a great game and I highly recommend buying this game if your a GTA fan like me. The game has very nice new features like GPS system, going out with your friends, going on the games internet, dating, and able to ride in a taxi cab any where you want to go in Liberty City and many more. The graphics are great but sometimes you can see Nicko's mouth moving up and down and it doesn't really look realistic but that's not a big deal. The sounds in the game is spectacular, it has great voice acting. The controls are way better than any other GTA game. Sometimes in the game you can choose to kill someone or have them live, but it doesn't really effect you in any way if you kill them or let them live. The online multiplayer is ok. There is may different modes you can play on like death match, team death match, racing, and GTA racing. The only good modes to play (in my opinion) is racing, GTA racing, 4 player online missions, free roam, and party mode. The other modes isn't really exciting because you don't really have to have skill to elimate enemies. However, the game overall is a great game (besides that it's overrated) and like I said before I recommend it to all GTA fans.