Not as great as the others
The overall gameplay in the game is not bad. It will take some time getting used to driving again. The new physics I guess changed the way we drive and it is a little more realistic. The new cover and aiming system for the most part work real well. You will at times take cover in a weird spot, but that will happen in every game that this feature is in. Also your aiming thing when you try to switch targets will sometimes go crazy and get someone that you are not trying to kill and not trying to kill you. But not very often.
The grapics were decent, not the best ever but it is a step up from previous games. The soudn was good to.
The new multiplayer feature for the most part was very enjoyable. I never did any of the racing online because racing is my least favorite thing to do, but I did the others. The one I enjoyed the most was the free mode, my least favorite was turf wars. I think the only reason I didn't like it was becuase I was expecting it to be the same kinda ordeal as San Andreas.
This game is a good game, don't get me wrong. It is not perfect and I don't think it is better than San Andreas. I was really disappointed in the game.
This game really doesn't promote exploring like the others did. There aren't really any hidden packages, screw them damn birds I hated getting the cops after me every time I shot one, and no rampages. Some of the fun stuff in the game have been taken out for some reason. I also didn't like having them nagging friend. I didn't want to drive around becuase they would call, so I always called a cab to avoid them. And that didn't always work. I missed really custimizing your character, buying property, and garages. I did think the making your own choice was cool though.
Hopefully in the next game they will have some hidden packages, rampages, and other small side quest things in the next one. But other than my complaints The game was pretty good.