Story: great. Driving: Realistic. Motorcycle driving: hard. GTA4: Fun & addictive!

User Rating: 10 | Grand Theft Auto IV X360
I haven't been a big fan of the GTA series mostly because I hated waiting for the loading screens on my thin PS2 (which I have given to my brother since he can't have a PS3 yet & he broke his PS2 somehow). I played GTA 3: San Andreas on PC but never finished the game. It just wasn't my cup of tea.

My younger brother bought GTA 4 home the day it was released. He had to go to a NY Yankee game and asked me if I wanted to play GTA 4. I said sure, I'll give it a go.

The next morning, my brother came back from the game and asked me how I like playing GTA 4. I was still playing it from the day before, 12+ hours straight (sunset to sunrise). I like the storyline, I like the game play though I still can't ride a motorcycle very well and I wish their controls for the helicopter was as easy as BF: Bad Company to fly a chopper. The fact that you can take cover (Thanks to Gears of War & other Tactical Shooters for making this possible) while shooting a weapon helps a lot. I miss the taxicab & ambulance missions but I suppose that's progress. I still haven't finished this game but it's fun when I do play. Maybe I'll pick it up for PC when it's released later this year.