not enough to do
These are some thinks they could of put in to improve the game:more storyline missions,able to put spoilers, body kits etc, taxi, amulance and firefighting missions, more cars, more clothes, more mutiplayer levels 1-20, more achevements for the xbox 360, more mutiplayer games such as capture the flag, more weapons and be able to buy companys.There is downloadable content coming out for xbox 360 im not sure about ps3 tho.There is quite a lot of bugs like spinning vechies and the swing of death that should be fixed. There should be army and tanks removing them is pointless getting 6 stars is the same as 4 stars and 5 stars just more noose cruisers,lc poilce cruisers,noose partiot, and noose vans.One more thing there should be planes they have helicopters why not planes it doesnt matter if there to big to land there fun to fly.