Extremely Addictive game! Im still in the storyline right now, but every character has its only little background.......

User Rating: 10 | Grand Theft Auto IV X360
I love this game. Ive been playing alot the past week or so. Every character has there own background which is cool cause i tried to get my wife into playing with me (of course on here own xbox user name) so she actually sat down and listen. I pulled up the cellphone and started going down the list. She got a little angry that I had 4 girl friends, but i soon turned her on to the game. It sucks a little now cause i dont get to play as much. If your thinking about buying it, you better have alot of free time on your hands cause it will suck you in. I also like the whole earn respect thing to unlock cool things in the game like gang support and call your boy little jacob and have him bring a car full of weapons that you can buy so you and have to go 9 million miles to get 5 bullets.
But the thing that i like most; you know those late night where your tired and you dont feel like driving for hours to get some stupid little quest done? Well they solved that problem with the use of the taxi and subway. (subway i think is kind of pointless, but i dont think i have figured out how to use it..). In the game you can wave down a taxi and they can take you anywhere you want to go in almost a split second. So no more wasted great story line driving back and forth on the roads