An incredible game that fixes all of the probems from the previous iterations and improves upon the overall gameplay.

User Rating: 9.5 | Grand Theft Auto IV X360
An incredible game that fixes all of the probems from the previous iterations and improves upon the overall gameplay.
It is unbelievable how much time the developers put into this game. There are hours of radio time, multiple TV shows, cabaret and comedy clubs. The amount of story and commentary is comparable to 4 movies.
Besides all of that, it a fun and immersive sanbox-style game that sets the standard in the genre. Hey it's another GTA game and we all know what that means. Running over pedestrians, doing vigilante missions, finding unique jumps and killing bad guys.
It's not just any other GTA game though, it is GTA4. GTA4 has the best feel and look of all the previous ones. My only complaint- and it is subjective, I didn't think the music was as good. The other games had a lot of great music that was either nostalgic or was great to experience the first time. Although the music helped set the mood in this game, I just didn't like it as much.