User Rating: 6 | Grand Theft Auto IV X360
You get all these "gangsters" who suck at games playing the multiplayer... And I thought children were bad.. But thats not all. maybe im just not doing it right but for some reason everytime i try to switch game type it puts me back in my single player campaign. Would making a lobby for multiplayer really be that hard. Plus the multiplayer sucks gameplay wise also I mean it really sucks I have never played multiplayer this bad.... If you dont get it by now I think the Multi player sucks..
I found my self wishing that the next game has more custimization for your character like the previous instalment in the gts series. And what the hell you can custimize a characters galsses however I couldnt find i single pair in the story, I think it might be a glitch but im not sure i never bothered looking it up.

Single player campaign, great and has always been great.
Lots of features although I found my self not wanting to do them after i finished the game. Greatest videogaming story I have ever come in cnotact with. The characters were cool and the ones i wanted to die usually had a habbit of dieing.. That annoying rapper who cleans the streets pfft.. I just wished i could have killed him.. I know I know just a game.