You would be crazy to give this game anything less than a 9.0.
On to the review. Grand theft auto 4 tbogt brings back alot of the wacky fun we had in San Andreas but brings them to the Big Apple or Liberty City.So this is set place in mostly manhattan or Algonquin in liberty city when your boss Gay Tony becomes in debt to some people and you must help him out by helping other people out. This goes from everything from Helicopter dog fights jumping off the empire state building and even to escaping the cops in a tank. You heard me, a tank. But this one is not the one from San Andreas its just some Armoured Personal Carrear (APC) that is good against vehicles but dosent fire a massive shell like the one in San Andreas. The part that really shines in this game aswell as in Gta 4 is the characters. I first thougt that no other game could neat Gta 4 in characters but now playing this, its incedible how good these characters are. Their all really funny and have a unique persanality of their own.
Besides the caimpaign there are many interesting activities to do like drug wars, fight clubs, dance clubs not strip clubs where you can boogie in a group boogie in a dance off or boogie with a girl, you can also get drunk or go into a chaigmpaign battle and then get drunk, you can also try to manage the club but thats pretty boring, but the real magic of this game is in the Sky Diving. Its so fun to just jump out of a building and pull the cord at the last minute but still the base jumping is realling funt to do also especially when its raing or when its nighttime to see Liberty city al lit up.
The multiplayer is still the same as the multiplayer in the origanal Grand theft auto 4 just new weopons and some parachutes. For the overall part its hard to find anything bad. There are the occassianal glitches but dont all games have that. So there it is , the reveiw for GTA the Ballad of Gay Tony, probably the best of the series for gameplay.