This game is so unbelievably awesome mere mortal words are not capable of describing its greatness.
Game play wise, this game has by far the most realistic setting you will encounter this generation. If you haven't (I'm sure you have) go out get this game get to the first road you can walk on and get hit by a car, or better yet steal a car with an awesome animation and then start hitting people with your car!!! Its that awesome the game could have been just that and it would've been a 10/10 (okay... 9.5) then GTAIV brings something new to GTA an interesting story, and an awesome story too, with a guy with real emotions. Through the new cover system, combat is greatly improved and blind firing a shotgun behind a wall at cops pouring in and dieing endlessly is just awesome.
The sound is perfect, like most of the truly amazing games these days.
If you haven't, buy it, cherish it, and run over innocent civilians with it. This is a must get