The REAL Review!!!!
But what was Rockstar promising with this game? A new GTA with more than ever! Better graphics, sound, gameplay, characters, etc. The usual things boasted about before a game comes out, but we will now talk about what happened.
I really don't know where to begin. We will put it this way, I was in another state than my home visiting colleges getting ready to decide where to go. I quite literally took three days off of looking for schools to sit and play this game. I did not move from the couch at my grandparents house until I had finished this game from begin to end. So three days and about six bags of doritos and some Chinese food later, we had in the making one of the most necessary reviews I will ever write.
This game blew my mind on all aspects, EVERYTHING was seemingly redone from the ground up. What you would expect from a normal GTA game is a shotty aiming/targeting system, extremely unforgiving AI, and a (for the most part) pretty expectable story line. Now the aiming system when I read about it, was a little more than worried. I was worrying that holding slightly to free aim would be a bit tiring. However the simple lick of the right analog stick while targeting, switched between who you're aiming at. Pretty easy to get used to and fun to use. Put together with the new cover system and I was in heaven. This euphoric feeling was amazing, no longer was I a toy for the AI to beat up on in a GTA game. Do you remember back in San Andreas when you were in gang wars with rival gangs over territories and you simply got tore up without the use of cheats. No more necessity for codes to survive certain fights. This game made the shooting scenarios in the game much more enjoyable.
Delivered- YES!
GTA has always had the same kind of graphics, cup holder hands AT ALL TIMES, and a little lacking in the visual aspect with most other pieces of the game. GTA IV really reinvents the visuals, obviously with the now more powerful engines to support it RStar were able to pull off a more grand visual system. Explosions shake you with the beauty, the smoke from an RPG being shot swirling throughout the air then changing course as the rocket ricochets off of the ground, no matter what you see you will be impressed by these graphics.
Delivered- Yes
Sounds are a large portion of most games, if the sound doesn't mesh with the ingame sights then you have a major problem. Explosions ring through the air stifled only by the yelling of nearby people, police sirens and your rifle firing at the barrage of cars coming at you. These sounds seem to work together to get you pumped putting you in a seemingly steroid caused rampage. the sound of a body hitting the hood of your car when you commit vehicular manslaughter is a sound you will never forget.
Delivered- Yes
This story is quite possibly the first game in the series that I couldn't follow at all times. The ability to choose certain things on missions makes the story that much more interesting. Being pitted with only how you REALLY feel gives a new sense of immersion into the game that I have never before seen. Yes of course there are the typical GTA story twists but it kept fresh and made an interesting story to ply through.
Delivered- Yes
My only real complaint with the game is the fact of things that they got rid of. ie. PLANES!!! Working out, the ability to get fat or scrawny, AND one of the most loved features, fixing up and souping up cars. Yes all of these wonderful things HAVE been taken out but this brings us to the final piece of my review. The ADDITION of new mechanics and possibilities. The addition of the cover system as I said before was an amazing new feature which completely reinvented the game. The phone, and the Internet also were pushed into the game and were pulled off FLAWLESSLY!!! being able to call up a bud for a ride, for back up, and for some guns are just a few of the great features thrown into this game. And to mention the internet where you can download new ringtones, and backgrounds for your phone was simply fun and funny. I have currently a man being beheaded as my ringtone. You can even search for a girlfriend to date and sex up. The girls also give you new features such as cheaper clothes, health. Pretty neat, I would say all in all they make up for the lack of a dew things taken out.
Delivered- Yes
Delivery- YES!!
Okay, so I know this was a bit late. This was one of my final reviews before I stopped writing. I figured I might as well post it since I have started writing again.
The REAL game reviews.