gta4 has lost something but it still stays true to the gta formula
User Rating: 7.5 | Grand Theft Auto IV X360
At the heart of gta4 there is a great game, but you would have to digg hard to find it. The reason?, because mostly everything in it we have seen before except the physics engine which gets old quickly snd online. The online is a welcome addition, but whats the point in doing tons and tons of ranked matches if all you get is clothes?, i often asked myself why i was doing it because after a while it felt like a chore, but it is great that there are a variety of modes online to choose from. My favourite, was the races, its so satisfying when you cross the line and scream something threw the microphone to piss the other players off. However There has also been features removes such as almost perfect customisation seen in sa, lots of cheats, parachutes and i am sure there are many more. I really enjoyed the single player because the story was gripping, even though it was repetive, but they are going to be so that doesn't matter. The new cover system is good but can be awkward at times, as you c=sometimes go behind something you didn't want to. To sum it up then. Gta4 proves to be a great game at times, but falls short of what rockstar achieved with sa. In order for gta to atleast come back to that level, it must have the majority of features we saw in sa.