In My Opinion The Greatest Grand Theft Auto Game ever Created!!!

User Rating: 10 | Grand Theft Auto IV PS3
I Know many people might disagree with me and say San Andreas was the best. Well i enjoy that one very much too! But i choose GTA4 as the Best GTA game. Its So cool, The Graphics and physics are so Realistic. The weapons are all cool! The driving is controlled very well, the cars and other vehicles are all cool! The whole game in my opinion IS AWESOME!! If you havent played this game yet, then you are Crazy or just plain weird! Its a Must buy for anyone who owns a 360 or PS3! The Story in this game will keep you on the edge of your sofa/chair. Think of it this way its a Comedy/Action/Family and Romance Movie, that you get to control as a Game.

- Very Realistic Graphics! all though a little dated now, since the game was released two years ago.

- You will love it, GO and PLAY THIS GAME!! Trust me, it will keep you entertained!! For the whole 30hours