Great Game. Awesome Graphics. Awesome Online. Awesome Missions. But the story is a little short.

User Rating: 9.5 | Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony PS3
The graphics in this game are the best in the series.The multiplayer is very fun.It has deathmatch,team death match races and more.But some times it takes a long time to find more players.Multiplayer races are better than in GTA IV because the addition of nitrous.The story is also pretty good but kind of short.The stroy not as good as good as in GTA IV,it's not bad.You can now also go to clubs even work as a security.In my opinion the dancing is a little hard ,but it's not bad.The cars are awesome and there is alot of them and the infernus is not as hard to find anymore.Great Game. Awesome Graphics. Awesome Online. Awesome Missions. But the story is a little short.Overall I think this game is very good and better than Grand Theft Auto 4 if you have a PS3,XBOX 360 or a PC you should definitely get this game and it's worth more than $40.