Grand Theft Auto 4 is just pure fun...

User Rating: 10 | Grand Theft Auto IV PS3
GTA 4... One of the biggest games this year to ever hit records sales higher than any other gta... i find that Rockstar Games R. have really improved their standards in a video game. Considering the full fledge freedom in GTA 4 makes it the best one yet... The thing i exceptionaly like this GTA is because he is fron the land of Tsars, The land of the hammer and sickle the land that i love...SWEET OL MOTHER RUSSIA !!!

This game truly deserves a higher rating than 10/10... This game is pure fun and full of exciting activities to be done...Rockstar also added in an aiming system which i find truly needed for gta games...
The benefits of having to own this game is to explore the world of Liberty City . Liberty City is such a big place filled with such activities such as clubbing,strip dancing, online dating. There is also another feature that is so massive yet simple such as the cellphone... Its practically your social life with the press of buttons... Another great thing is the cars... The cars that i have driven are cars that i like.. If you are a big fan of muscle and fast cars then this is the game for you.
The let down of this is the minor glitches such as poles stuck to the ground could flip a car over and land on it... OUCH !!! (NIKO)

Nonetheless this game is truly worth thr wait and worth buying for... I see a bright future for RockStar Games R. . In the end , all i could say is Good job... 10/10 or more from me...