Grand theft Auto iv is best for pc much better than console version of gta4 this is right to give 10 for gta4 pc version
so,gta4 pc has better graphics than console console version got 10 but pc version get 92, 9, and 89 for its late release otherwise pc version is much better it has video editor, better multiplayer, coustom radio and better graphics so i do not like to give less than 10 score to pc version i am a die hard gta fan this is right that gtasa is a amazging game gta4 has no plane no fitness diet and player stats map sige is also low but it is good it has many other thing i know the next rockstar game will like gtasa i like gta4 it has its fun its like gtavc a little map but many other system to get fun and enjoy the game gta is my best series and rocstar is best gaming company i like it very much i do not know why the people (many) do not like gta4 .
pc version has a better controle and amzing graphics makes game much beautiful . so there is no bad thing in pc version everything is very good so my review is now finish and i say
"Gta4 is the best game of year 2008"
i give a score of 10/10 *