Over demanding, but limitations and restricting.... PC gamers nightmare.

User Rating: 6.5 | Grand Theft Auto IV PC
Over all GTA IV for the PC turns from being something somewhat dream filled to a complete nightmare. Rockstar is now taking the curse EA style approuch to their online PC games, with miles of red tape and restrictions to players freedoms. I could care less about leader boards and awards/achievements I just want to have fun, but the restricting login systems, Windows Live, and the fact you after creation are pretty much stuck as the same person for the end of existence without going through days of annoying support emails and questions for a simple name change, something PC games normally have the freedom to do any time they wish within seconds, is now blash down.

What is worse is the fact the game isn't that amazing to look at when I played it on my PS3, one woudl think a few tweeking on the settings and screen resolutions down would allow someone with a PC suitable for maxed out graphics just a year or two ago to play the game and yet have it look reasonably good. Sadly no, though the graphics on the lowest settings do look nicer than GTA Vice City in some areas and definity San Andreas, it is still horriable. What gets me is how the characters seem to be blury around the edges but yet there is no graphic options that give players the freedom to tweek more than just a hand fullof things to improve prefermance without nerfing the whole game back to the stone age.

Outside of the things that annoyed me the game is still quite fun, controls took a bit to get used to, and default Heli controls are down right evil, and the mutliplayer character options feel as though they were given a nerf and an upgrade. First online game was a joy, I won the round on Deathmatch, PC GTA people *laughs at you* I guess i'm more experianced then I thought from the PS3 version despite I rarely did death match. PC maps are also upgraded a bit, players can easily get up into higher locations, more ladders spred out through the map is a nice improvement allowing for more access to roof tops without some form of Helicopter. Despite the lowest settings you will not be restricted online because though view range exist, even on low you can still see people, and snipe them giving people with a higher end machine no advantages with having a higher view range then yourself. Means to communicating without a head set is another plus, too many ports to PC resently also had no means of chat without a head set so thats another plus.

All and all, if you don't own GTA IV, you will find some joy for this game, if you have a PC which was considered good just not so long ago, if you have it on the 360 or PS3 already and want to have the better multiplayer experiance, you may also like it, I say may, I'm starting to hate it, but heck everything grows on me Mercenaries 2 did to the point I like it.