Abysmal port; practically unplayable on most people's machines.
User Rating: 1 | Grand Theft Auto IV PC
I bought GTA IV on Steam; they haven't given me a refund yet but I suspect they will. I don't know whether it's Rockstar or Take Two that is to blame for this disaster of a port. Do not risk buying this game. It is more than likely that it will run on your machine very poorly. I have a Core2Duo e6550, 2 gigs ram, MSI 8800GTS. I set the game to recommended settings (which is pretty much the highest) and it looks HORRIBLE. Textures are blurry/unreadable/missing. Every edge is jagged. Frame rate is terrible. There are dozens of errors that many many many people are encountering. To those who have bought it, return it. It's incredibly insulting to gamers to release such a broken port. I've played GTA IV before so I know it's an amazing game, but during the entire 15 minutes I stomached the game this time, 95% of it what spent in agony at the graphical glitches. Then Rockstar comes out and says that a "small number" of players have these problems? STOP INSULTING US. WE JUST GAVE YOU MONEY FOR NOTHING.