Don't know why people are complaining...
I didnt play this game on the console so this was my first time playing the game. And I got to say, i am just so impressed. It's probably my game of the year. The characters are just so fun to be around, even Brucie, sometimes. I really can relate with Packie, he is my favorite to hang around with.
I have already beat the main storyline, but I might go back and try it again, but take in all of Liberty city, play it a bit slower.
I really don't see why people are complaining about this game and rating it so low. I mean, if your computer can't handle it, you shouldnt of bought it. Also, how is it the game or the developers fault that YOUR PC can't handle it. I had a friend over who has the 360 version and he says it looks better on my computer and I am running it at MEDIUM, haha. Game of the year man, or century, either one is fine :)