From 2002 MAFIA has been my no1 game.After 6 years GTA4 deserves MAFIA's place in the top,but only if you have a 10+ PC

User Rating: 10 | Grand Theft Auto IV PC
This game is incredible people. I mean, after over 40 hours of effective gameplay I can say that this is definitely the greatest game I ever played beyond any doubt.

Why is that ?

All the elements combined - superb graphics ( except the pixelated shadows ), physics of vehicles and people on the streets, gameplay, script, plot, story, that living city in which you can interact with anyone and anything anywhere anytime, day-night cycle, and those wild-crazy funny dialogues and radio/tv commercials or shows , make this game a fulfilled game, perfect in every way.

I mean, I thought GameSpot exaggerated with that rating when I saw 10 on PS3 and XBOX360, but now I understand exactly why they rated this game as perfect.

But as so many others said, if you do not have an ultra high-end computer , you will be unable to play this game because even on low-medium you will have a very low framerate, under 20 FPS because the game is cpu bound and it requires a lot of video memory to run without stuttering.

I admit , the porting has not been optimized for the PC, but come on, almost 20 % of the reviewers rated this game 1, how is this possible , are you that retarded? I' m sorry you can't play this game but how do you expect playing a 2008-2009 game on a 2004 rig ? And because of the bad framerate you come here and rate this game 1 ? In this case you do not deserve to play, you stupid lame hypocrites. We paid lots of money and made sacrifices to have ultra high-end PCs, so of course we are entitled to play this game smoothly.

And another thing : this being a CPU bound game ( floating point and most of graphics calculations done on the CPU ) overclocking pays off, it's definitely worth it. I took my cpu from 3,16 Ghz to 4,3 Ghz and I had a serious increase in performance.

These are my benchmark results :

Average FPS: 49.85
Duration: 37.07 sec
CPU Usage: 77%
System memory usage: 53%
Video memory usage: 52%

Graphics Settings
Video Mode: 1680 x 1050 (60 Hz)
Texture Quality: Medium
Render Quality: High
View Distance: 32
Detail Distance: 70

Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Service Pack 3
Video Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 280
Video Driver version: 180.48
Audio Adapter: Realtek HD Audio output
Intel Core2Duo E8500@4300Mhz
4 x 1GB Geil Ultra DDR2 900MHZ