GTA4's features in a simple yet effective review.

User Rating: 9.5 | Grand Theft Auto IV X360
here is what i thought about GTAIV,
first i have to explain that i played this game twice once on PS3 and the other time on 360 and this is the Xbox version.
OK the game begins with a scene in which a few Russians are coming to Liberty City on a boat and i think they are doing it illegally!wow that is the first impression the game has not even started yet,the scene is great with the names of the producers and so on,after the scene ends the game starts.
well it starts at night time and you cannot see that good,but the lights coming from you car on the walls and street,looks good.
now when you first start to play the game for real,you can see that things does not really look too good,i am talking about the shadows people and the whole visual design.
but after you go and start to do missions and also search around the city you will see that every thing is different,this place looks different and it no more looks like the city from GTA3.
there are actually so many details on the city from the little trash cans to the lights and the little cans on the streets,the trees look so good moving slowly and looks as if the wind is going wound
the leaves,the traffic light is really awsome man,the lighting poles are too good and you can hit them and take them out of their place,but thats not the end you will also see some sparks of
electricity while you are doing that,wow alot changed since GTA3.
but thats not the end.there are so many different features that has been fixed since GTA3 and made better,these features are as following.
you see before GTAiv we used to see the pedestrian mostly the same people with the same cloths,but in GTA4 there are alot of people in the city so there is noway you can say i have seen
this character before in the last street.
the amount of details and polygons in the street is surprising it looks really well made,and you dont have to go near,or close to other cars to or the street shops to actually see them better,you know like the ones before,unlike the ones before GTAIV seems to be really crisp and have great visual another feature fixed in this one is the walking or running of the main character.
for example if you wanna run or walk in a turn the character actually moves to that direction in a way that is seems he is trying to make that turn easier by moving his body and head to that
direction,and looks REAL compared to real life and other GTA games.also running is alot different you can tab button to run faster than normal running.the character also looks real while
running in that mode.
another feature i have noticed is the handling of each specific gun.for example loading guns and arming it,is different for each weapon.
another feature we see for the first time in GTA game history is the ability to make decisions,you can talk to you friends about that decision,and then you can make decisions that will change the out come of the games main story and ending.since i played GTAiv twice i figured out how to get specific things in the game.
the missions are alot to do in liberty city side missions are even will meet alot of different characters in the city and each one has its own personality,also you will have a real phone in this game,that is really useful.
if you dont want to do the missions in liberty city you can go and visit places and do other activities either with your friend or alone,you can play pool,get drunk,bowling,internet and so on,
i think the producers of this game really took it too far and this game just went beyond good in the category of sandbox,and there is everything you need,if you buy the game you will get a map of the liberty city with it that might help you get to different places across the city.
and the game ends with a sunset along side liberty statue.
i hope this helped you people make a decision on how the game would be.
thanks for your time