I wasnt disappointed!

User Rating: 9.5 | Grand Theft Auto IV PC
I bought this game even though I was abit put off by the bad press its been having over the bugs and slow frame rates. To many people out there are trying to run this game on crappy sub-standard PC's and getting poor frame rates and graphics!. What these people tend to do is write reviews on GTA IV letting everyone know how brilliant their computer is and what a bad game GTA4 is because it runs at 3fps on their supposed "TOP END" pc!. What a load of b*llsh*t!!I have this game running average frame rates of 35fps(All settings Maxed out), I have an e6700 processor, 8800gtx graphics card and 2gig of ram, nothing special but deffinately not crap. These people who are slagging the game off need to stop fooling their selves and purchase a half decent PC!, Then come review the game!.

As for the game, it has some of the best graphics I've seen in any game to date. Its maybe not be as in depth as previous GTAutos but thats made up for by solid gameplay, graphics+sound and realism.