This game is a steal! Grab one and enter the world of Liberty City, as you've never seen it before!
The story follows the life of a Niko, an immigrant to Liberty City. Soon after arriving he is helping his cousin make a name for himself, much to his cousins chagrin. With humorous dialog, and enemies you can grow to love or hate, the story is compelling!
The pc version I wouldn't recommend however, with constant crashes, and a major hunger for RAM, it's a beast even top of the lines have trouble handling. On the average or above average system, the graphics suffer horribly, the gameplay is jumpy, and the game crashes after about 10 minutes of play. However the cellphone dialing is fun, and much faster then it's console cousins.
Overall this game is a great addition to any pc (providing it can handle it) don't go by it's minimum requirements, it's true minimum is it's maximum.