Yet another insightful review you'll likely skip. ;)

User Rating: 8.5 | Grand Theft Auto IV X360
It was an agonizing wait. But there I was in my living room getting ready to play a GTA title on a console for the first time. We already know how beautiful the game looks... but how does it play?

First, lets talk about what you'll inevitably find missing, using GTA:SA as a benchmark.
- No more properties to buy
- No more vehicle mods
- No more physique changing
- Only a fraction of the clothing options.

At first, I really felt these missing elements, but over time I'm thankful the devs spent their time where they did. The car driving is beautiful, and never has it been so satisfying to just drive around and smash into stuff. It is the essence of GTA and it delivers two healthy scoops of awesome.

The story line, while still having those larger than life moments, is much grittier and less cartoonish and also feels like it integrates all of the game's features in a much more satisfying fashion.

Its not a 10, but its a very solid 8.5. While I genuinely miss the removed elements (properties, vehicle mods, etc), I'm also discouraged that the game STILL doesn't have a mission-replay mode, forcing you to replay from the start if you ever want to do a mission over.