The Real Review...

User Rating: 10 | Grand Theft Auto IV PS3
Grand Theft Auto IV is a great installment for the next gen systems...

Visually- The game visually is impressive on both the 360 and the PS3... Liberty City is more detailed then ever and the lighting changes that occur from night to day are very realistic. When shooting the rocket launcher the rocket swirls in the air eventually exploding on its target. Very realistic explosions.

Sound- The Music in this game is perfect. Fits the criteria of the game and makes it much better to play when having some good tunes to listen to. The crashes and gun sounds are somewhat improved from previous grand theft auto's.

Gameplay- Same old Grand Theft Auto gameplay BUTTTT with the new installment of gears of war shooting style makes the game absolutely perfect. The game AI at times does get a little goofed up if that was not already mentioned...But enemies in most cases are very alert and fight just as you would hiding and defending there lives. Great Story as well....

Multiplayer: The multiplayer is the best i have ever seen in any game for the most part.. With many different modes to choose from and for what size of the city your allowed to cover it is absolutely amazing as to what they have done...BEST PART OF THE GAME BY FAR!


Overall GTA4 is a must buy for either the 360 or the PS3...