Add another 10 points to the 10-Point Score System! 20 out of 10!!
What's new? Almost immediately the sharper graphics are a great look to the grungy world GTA always inhabits. The new Firing Controls are finally what everyone has wanted since GTA 3. Easier to aim, because you can actually aim, with a nice Resident Evil 4 inspired over the shoulder perspective. And going to a free aim from the lock-on is a superb touch. This will work well with the deathmatching. Things are a lot more realistic when it comes to combat, even street fighting is a lot easier, though it is cumbersome at first, you ease into it fairly quickly. The Achievement list offers a fair bit of challenge, with examples like rolling your car five times in one crash, or destroying 10 cars in 10 seconds.
What's good? Honostly? Almost everything. Nothing is perfect. But this is a game that really ups the bar for other sandbox games and where their developers should shoot for. From the combat (finally!), to the realistic driving, and plenty of radio stations, to the very American immigrant story. Cops are even more tenacious in this outing! I also like how there are no recognizable voice actors in the bunch. It kind of keeps you in the moment of the story instead of thinking about the actor voicing the character. No offense to Ray Liotta!
What's bad? Surprisingly there is always something to mar any game. These mars are actually very tiny scratches in the fine paint of this muscle car. Graphical slips may be noticed by a few, very small ones though. Cops aren't so challenging in the search radius aspect of the chase, i.e. they are very easy to give the slip. Just wait for them to get out of the car, then drive away. Boom! You're gone.
A masterpiece of a game, the Houser brothers, and the rest of Rockstar should be proud of themselves for this piece of interactive fiction. Bring it on Jack Thompson!!