A Truly Impressive Game of Great Depth and Ambition
GTA IV can be easily lowered to its basic elements of stealing cars, killing, maiming, misogyny, escorting, and the like; but so can any game - Halo 3 is just about running through and gunning aimlessly, Call of Duty 4 the same, and as with Bioshock. All of these games though, have a great appeal and must have some low level basis for which a ton of fun can be achieved.
To cheapen GTA IV to something so taudry is to deny GTA IV a chance to enhance your enjoyment of a great idea: To go crazy in a city and to do whatever you please.
The improvements of GTA IV in comparison to its counterparts is that Rockstar has paid so much attention to detail, reactions, and playability. The game's physics engine is impressive and I feel like when I played Half-Life 2 online in multiplayer - when you use a RPG - things go flying ragdoll style! That is a nostalgic nod to great games like HL2 where you could turn your opponent into a frisby if you wanted.
Another aspect of physics is the driving. The driving is not entirely easy but it is easier than driving a Mongoose in Halo 3 by far. Also, to keep a wheelie when you are riding a motorcycle is tougher than it looks - that's where the physics kicks in - if you're not careful you'll fall on your butt and get hit by a car or two.
Another thing that is so impressive about this game is the hilarious things that occur just in the environment and how one intervention by Niko and stuff happens almost like if it were the Three Stooges. For example, I carjacked some guy and as I pulled him out of his car and he was staring in dismay, another car came from the opposite direction and SMACK! that guy was a pancake!
Furthermore, the game has caught flak on various parts of the games great elements (i.e. violence and racism). The issue of violence is an easy one to tackle - the violent behavior is nothing new in this century nor from any other era; violence is human nature and is appropriate when attempting to depict reality virtually. People are not blind to violence and are aware of it occurring all the time, a video game such as GTA IV may have gratuitous amounts of violence but at the same time, that's what makes it so enjoyable; you can go slaughter 15 guys in a game and no boys in blue come knocking on your door seeking to arrest you - brilliant! People, you get your aggressions out in a video game - that way - you don't go postal in real life!
The other aspect of controversy is the racism element - look, once again we are dealing with a video game that is trying to depict reality: in reality, not everyone of different races, genders, religions, sexual preferences, different cultures, and such are holding hands and singing under a rainbow; real life is hard, mean, cruel, and racist - everyone has a little and some have a lot - so Rockstar rocks for pointing this out - the more we understand perhaps the better humans we can be in the future.
Niko Bellic is a great character with his torn psyche and gun-for-hire techniques. The game couldn't have had a more well-rounded character. To follow Niko through his missions and how he progresses is astounding and to learn more about his past bit by bit is almost like watching a movie play out while you are at the helm.
Grand Theft Auto IV can be cheapened to its base parts but so can any great game; this game has so much more to offer than a basic romp around a big city, it has the great American tragedy that befalls the main character in his trouble to survive a haunted past while making ironic nods to the fact that he escaped the war in Eastern Europe only to find himself embroiled in an urban war in the United States.
Whatever version you purchase - please take a second to observe how great a game it truly is - steal some dudes car and take a spin to clear your head.