This game is just GTA4 do I really need to say any more
First off i love the graphics of this game they are a whole lot better in my opinion than all of the other GTA games. The physics engine in this game is on its own new level. for example Niko is a whole lot more aware of his suroundings, so you can jump up things climb over things and all that kool stuff you would have loved to have properly seen in the last games. As well as that kool little addition the surroundings also allow for different ways to kill people or even different ways people you have killed bodies to react differently. for example i shot some dude at the top of a rail way staircase and his body tumbled all the way down the stairs instead of just fall flat on the stairs and just stay there.
Now onto the driving, this has got a whole lot more realistic in GTA 4. Though on one side this is a definate plus as you will get abit more enjoyment out of trying to master the driving its is also in my opinion a major downside as i dont like the fact that u really have to cut your speed in half to take corners and the breaks hardly work in most cars which dont really help. But putting that to a side there is also some real good new features, like if your not feeling in the mood to steal a car and drive off you could always call down a taxi and pay him to take you somewhere, as well as that addition the whole public transport system has been improved in my opinion, not that i really use it.
Friends are the bigger addition to this game, no not ow wow look i have a friend following me around shooting people this is addtion makes all those people who lock themselves in rooms for days playing one game for countless hours (like myself) feel popular, as you get in game friends ringing you up and asking if you want to hang out and go somewhere, which is kool and if you get real friendly with them then they will offer you little services. like if you get quite friendly with your cousin then you can get taxi's sent to pick you up and will take you where ever. As well as friends you can also get girl friends in this game, so you can go on dates with girls you know in game and take them places like bars and bowling, though you can do this with you friends the big difference is that when you take you lady friend home you get a choice to try your luck, last time i tried my luck i had taken her to a bar and i was well drunk and had drove home quite drunk and well to say the least she wasnt to happy and told me where to get off.
Like in the last game there was little places you can go and do little mini games, but in this game there is internet cafe's where you can get email that is right EMAIL. though it is in game and generally all crap its still quite funny to receive emails, as well as that little thing you can now also go to car washes to clean up your car. i mean why would you not want to do that. though some of the things in game are a tad useless like for example ATM's are useless for your character as he carriers all his money on him some how and it just shows how much money you have on a bigger screen, hang round an atm long enough and people will use it and needless to say you beat them down and rob off with there cash.
The weapons system is alot better as now you can hide behind cover and shoot out at people, they only way i can really describe the cover system as is basically GRAW, but that really isnt a bad thing, infact i think it adds loads to GTA4. now you can hide properly you wont be killed whilst yelling at your screen "why the hell arnt you behind cover" as i did many times in the last game.
now onto the last part the story, well as i said i havnt yet completed it but the story itself is well good. you start off by getting off a boat and then start to work your way up from nothing. you meet some rather kool characters on the way and well some down right dodgy ones.
thank you for reading another one of my probably not so good reviews, a little note that if the spelling is bad is because im dyslexic and well just lazy as well. if any of you are thinking about buying GTA 4 and you actually know somewhere which has it in stock then go out and buy it, you will love this game and i cant really think of a way to better described it in many many good words than by juts say well its GTA 4
laters gamers