Feels like a new grandtheft build from the ground up

User Rating: 10 | Grand Theft Auto IV PS3
This is the most addicting Grand thef auto yet..I will not lie to you I have all the grand theft autos from Part 3 to Sanandreas and haven't beaten any of them from pure frustration and boredom.But I decided that I would come back to the series by purchase of the newest to the series I have to say after playing six hours straight the only reason I turn this very addicting master piece off because i got sleepy not from boredom.This time Rockstar went all out and did everything that gamers had a demand for in this series.This game has something that every one of them should have had easier ability to lose the cops and my favorite GPS every car in the game has this with the choice to turn it off.Theres so much to do its ridiculously fun even after six hours of play I only completed 8 percent of the game so far.The graphics manage to maintain that unique Grandtheft auto artistic look while keeping up with the pretty high deft competiton out there.Spending $60 bucks on all these improvements Rockstar did is well worth it I haven't even skim the surface of half the improvements they made Im not one for hyping up anything that doesn't deserve it but if you have only one game you can afford to buy for your PSN or 360 make this one your choice.I have to say to all of Jack Thompson's personal friends and family you need to stop posting all the negative reviews on this site or anywhere else because this game is what all the hype say it is fu......king dope.I haven't even started playing multiplayer yet from playing the story and multiplayer is my favorite thing.One word left BUY THIS GAME!!!!!!!!!!