Best Grand Theft Auto yet?
There are many components that have not disappeared, but there are improvements in all areas of gameplay. The shooting in this game is actually a blast. It's very easy to switch between a lock on mode and a free aim mode but the guns are more realistic and due to improved physics feel much more powerful and damaging.
The next big improvement is the interactivity of the environments. The people, walls, cars, everything is so much more real. The cars drive like real cars, and the damage modeling is even better than what we see in most racing games. There are tons of different pedestrians and even things like walls can be damaged when you hit them.
The last improvement, which is probably the most important, is the acting. The characters in this game feel so alive with their facial expressions. Each person feels so individual as if they are living entities in a game. It's one of those things where you don't really feel like your playing a game but more like directing people through different events in a movie or book. The gameplay hasn't changed too much, but because of the improved acting this game will draw you in and make you want to play more and more.