Grand Theft Auto IV Possibly best game yet for the xbox! I rank this game first infront of Call of Duty 4.

User Rating: 10 | Grand Theft Auto IV X360
Grand Theft Auto IV Possibly best game out for the Xbox 360. The graphics are amazing, storyline is great, missions are good, character detail great and same with the vehicle and weapon detail. Online Play- Absoloutely amazing everyone was wanting online play for the best games series ever...and now we have got it! There is upto 15 different onlines modes including an excellent 'Free Roam' where you can go anywhere in Liberty City.

Btw, everyone who is playing this game check out the Heart inside 'The Satue Of Happyness' i don't know what it is about yet but i want to, if anyone knows about this then tell me please?

1 out of 10 rank:

Graphics: 9
Storyline: 10
Online: 10
Missions: 9
Character Details: 10
Weapon Detail: 10
Overall Score: Solid 10

Should be a definite inductee to game of the year 2008

Many thanks and congradulations to the developers and staff at Rockstar!