I might be crazy but this is the worst game in the series...... by FAR!

User Rating: 5 | Grand Theft Auto IV PS3
I have no more favorite games than the first 3 gta. I love GTA! Go anywhere, do anything, free open world great stories perfect perfect perfect. That was until I played this GTA. First off the driving is horrible. They destroyed the driving mechanics. It used to be so much fun to get in a car or bike and zoom around the city at break neck speeds taking corners at high speeds weaving in and out of traffic. iT was a perfect setup. all that is gone now in favor of a poor mans Forza motorsport simulation rip offf that is not only not fun but also slows the game down. Also with every GTA game you knew that being on foot and engaging in firefights was kinda awkward. the controls are weird and it just doesnt perfrom well. that reamins the same only worse with the new cover system it trys to employ it just doesnt work well.There is no need to reinvent the wheel here. Just copy how Gears of wars does combat or swith the combat to firts person and use call of duty style or even better a rainbow six style. the story is great as always so is the voice overs, the graphics are awesome and there is alot to see and do its just to bad that the execution of those features is so awful. GTA has officially jumped the shark!!!! its a sad day.