Its the worst game in the series by far! everything great about GTA is missing

User Rating: 5 | Grand Theft Auto IV X360
I should start by saying that GTA vice city and sanandreas are my 2 favorite games of all time.... thats right ALL TIME favorites. GTA was progressing down a route that I beived was truly innovative. It was becoming a complete and massive action RPG. you were able to buy new places and customize your characters build and buy tons of clothes etc etc. I was hoping that GTA4 was going to continue and expand on that idea but of course it does not. Instaed it went the "assasins creed" way of gaming. Go out on similiar missions, kill someone, return home save and repeat until game is finished 40 hours later. The story is great as always but the missions are just the same thing. go the internet cafe, go bowling bla bla bla. you cant buy property cant customize chracter build theres barely and clothing choices same same same. Its needs to be more RPG than what it has become and thats extremly disapointing. The greatest thing about GTA was the driving, but now even that got overhauled and now while more of a simulation is way less fun and actually is kinda a pain. the shooting mechanics are still screwed up as well. also the fact that I have to drive across the entire map to complete some missions and then all the way back to save is also a pain. in snandreas which was much bigger the misiions all happened in the same part of the map you were currently living. it was so much fun to drive around sanandreas from the city, to the casinoes to the hillbilly towns it was awesome. I hate driving around liberty city theres alot of buildings and people but it fels as if theres less to do. remember racing up mt chilliad? are taking a dirtbike on the course in vice city? putting out fires? saving people in the ambualnce? where did al that go? GTA has officilly jumped the shark. its a sad day