By far one of the best, if not the best, game I have ever played. All hail GTA IV!

User Rating: 10 | Grand Theft Auto IV X360
From the very moment you step off of the boat, you can tell Niko is in for an exciting adventure in the latest game from R*. Niko appears to be a rugged, tough x-military man, and doesn't seem to have a problem roughing people up, killing, and stealing things. The story itself is incredible; all of the voice acting in the game makes it grammy worthy, in all seriousness. The emotion portrayed by the actors never really stops amazing me.

Another great thing about this game is the physics. I really like how they made everything more realistic this time around. Everything feels like it should in real life, from running over innocent citizens, to whipping your car around a turn, to blowing someone up with a rocket launcher. Plus, the way Niko flails around when you get ran over, or even ejected from your own car is a very nice touch.

However, by far my favorite part about this game is the multiplayer… I really only have one thing to say about it; incredible. Until you have sat down with a bunch of friends and blown each other up, you can't truly appreciate this game. All of the different game types make for a great time, although I usually find myself just playing freemode. Having 4+ people with 6 stars each makes for an absolutely stunning cop chase.

Graphically, this game does pretty well for itself. It is definitely a large improvement over all the rest of the games in the series, however it occasionally looks a little rough. Despite running on a 50 inch HDTV running at 1080p, when underneath an over pass or something like that, it looks pretty grainy. However, this hardly ever happens and for the most part the game looks fantastic.

All in all, when you consider all of the great things this game has, from the awesome multiplayer to the stellar singleplayer, and even the small touches in between, it is by far one of the greatest games ever created, and I know that everyone will be playing it for years. Really, the only question remaining is… How can Rockstar possibly top this game?