GTA 4 a big game!! good but overrated and doesen't deserve 10's. The most overhyped game ever made.

User Rating: 8 | Grand Theft Auto IV PS3
Before reading this review, I can give reasons WHY this game DOESN'T DESERVE a 10! Just because it's name is 'Grand Theft Auto' doesn't mean it must have a 10!
Oh and only people who are gangsta wannabes will give this game a 10!, if the game is so awesome, WHY WON'T YOU GAMERS JUST DO ANYTHING IN REAL LIFE, then you'll realise it isn't cool going to jail. What's so awesome about swearing, drugs and robbing people anyways? Ok I'll admit GTA4 is a good game, but it doesn't deserve a 10, because it has BAD POINTS! Only perfect games won't have any bad points, and I bet if Gamespot here went back to their old rating system, this game won't even have a perfect 10. I'll say between 8.0 - 9.5, but not 10. IGN are just mega fanboys to give this game a 10/10, too cheap. Even Famitsu gave this game a 39/40 showing my point that the game is good, but not perfect.

GTA 4 is a great game that starts of with a person called Niko Belic, a Serbian and an illegeal immigrant, for starters the type of person is the wrong type for a hip-hop gangsta theme but suited as a mafia theme person. Well the storyline is solid but anyone can finish it easy, and has al lot of hilarious moments, the graphics, as expected is good for a ps3 but has a few graphical issues, and gameplay, still the same, not so much difference but has online multiplayer for the first time, and it's seriously fun but can't be played as 2 player in the same console as for the gameplay you press in, it's quite boring but it's fun in the screen, for me the game holds some swearwords and can be fun at times, but won't be very good if you play it with your parents or anyone younger than you, this is a type of game that you should be playing on your own. Sounds is just awesome and it's complete and 99.9% legend, and presentation is great, the bad point really is the person you use, first of all, you can't decorate him as much as you can in san andreas and cornrows won't really suit him, and has a few glitches maybe because of the game size, and the story isn't very long, but anyway I have to say, the first great game for a ps3, this game is seriously awesome and recommended to ps3 users, if you don't have this game for ps3, you are seriously lost. Because getting this game, will create your second-best PS3 game after MGS4. For me, i'll give the game 8.0 - 9.5 but not 10 because it has some share of problems as well..

Some detailed Graphics
Legendary Sounds
Gameplay is the same but better when watching it
Great Online
You can virtually can do anything in the game
A Solid Storyline
Great Presentation
Yeah Yeah, tons of good points.
The addition of trophies, nice.

Bad/ -
Glitch problems
No offline multiplayer using the same console
The game is short
Can't go to planes
Can't decorate your character that much like you can is San Andreas
An enchanced version of San Andreas, it just make it look shiny
A Shiny version of GTA
Metal Gear Solid 4 beats this game by miles!

Gameplay/Innovation - 7/10
Graphics - 8/10
Sounds - 9/10
Value - 9/10
Presentation - 7/10