Gameplay Has Never Been Sharper In The Grand Theft Auto Series. Best Free Roam Game In The Market.

User Rating: 10 | Grand Theft Auto IV X360
Now many have a hunch on wether or not to by the next GTA game. Its a lot different now, Rockstar Games have outdone them selves this time. Gameplay Has Never Been Sharper In The Grand Theft Auto Series, And its deffinatly the Best Free Roam Game In The Market.

Single Player: The Story follows Niko Bellic, a gun handleing Russian killer, with a clear mind. He also has a accent that makes him understandable. Roman is his Cousin, he was supposed to be a rich and all powerfull guy. Anyways, Roman is not, and Niko is not to happy about His Cousins little fib. Any ways, The Story revolves mainly around niko trying to find a man named, DARKO BREVIC. Amazing story 10 out of 10. I am not going to include the ending though. The cinamatics are more lengthy and they seem to actually be going somewere this time. The combat system is great, the duck in cover system is second nature now to the series.

Multiplayer: All of the multiplayer modes seem like a little to much, at first, you will find them fun. its something rockstar has nver done before. (except for GTA SA witch had multiplayer on the pc version) Alot of fun and greatness is in multiplayer.

To wrap it up, its a game that is compelling in every way! its a buyer, 10