Does everyone have this game yet? If not get yourself to the nearest game store and ask for a copy!

User Rating: 9.5 | Grand Theft Auto IV PS3
So where do i begin? The graphics are breath taking for a game this size, audio and sound is so clear i can hear the mobile phones ringing and the way the game plays is so lustrous! Gun fights are as fun and with the new cover system there are more ways of gunning down your foes than ever before.

Now the graphics is a tremendous improvement from the last game, San Andreas. Either you're indoor or outdoor the detail is so fine polished that it's amazing how it could be done at such a size. It might not look that great compared to metal gear solid 4 but take in the size and there really isn't that much of a problem.

Now some of the problems i encountered was that the game has heaps glitches. These include Niko falling down without any obstacles in your path or getting stuck in positions you had no intentions of. All of these doesn't really effect the game at all as it's just a simple re-load or just get Niko up.

So in conclusion Grand Theft Auto 4 is a great game and for something this amazing and special, this truly is a game you should not miss out. =]