GTA IV..Visually Stunning..Intense..Good Story..Anyone agree?
If not then come out of that damn rock...does anyone care that I'm writing this? Guess back to the review.
When you first look at GTA IV you'll see that it's visually stunning. In the previous games R* was restricted to the generation. Now it's onto the next gen and the sky's the limit...basically.
Game play is very good. Feels like gears of war a bit with the weapon and cover system. The weapon fighting system has been completely re-written and it is a lot better.
As for vehicles, yes lots of cars. There are some new bikes around and cars. You can only ride trains and you cannot drive them or de-rail them. Boats...PURE WIN. Well if you know when to drive them. Afternoons are good because the reflection in the water is awesome. One HUGE disappointment for me was the planes. You can't fly them. There's not even a dodo which has been in all the previous GTA games AFAIK.
WATER is awesome..Much like the halo 3 one but a bit better in some ways. We can't make a real comparison since halo 3's water isn't in a huge place like the one we see in GTA IV. Ok..Water is amazing…better than halo 3's.
Story is Amazing. There are some RPG elements like choosing a character to kill. Eg:
*Not actual Characters in game* Tom and Larry. Who would you kill...? There's also the ability to choose if someone dies. Like close to the beginning, there's that
Guy who's hanging off the hand rail and you can choose to save him or kill him. Near the ending of the game you get to choose either deal or revenge. Won't go into detail about that though. I chose Deal.
Buildings are a lot more realistic as you can go into most of the buildings. One example is the safe houses. You go inside and you save by sleeping. 6 hours goes past. The airport is a lot more realistic? Note that this game is set in 2008 so if you go onto the runway you instantly get a 4 star wanted level. Post 9/11 anyone?
Other than that there are Boeing 747s parked in the terminals and 2 that are taxing on and off the runway. There are planes that fly above you but no planes take-off or land in this game.
Anyway this was just a quick review. I rate it 9.8 out of 10. 10 in GS's bar since theres no 9.8 The ending could have been better and planes!?!?!!