A break from the real world of laws.

User Rating: 10 | Grand Theft Auto IV PS3
Rockstar did a wonderful job on this game especially game play frame rate and visuals. I have a great time each time I play which keeps me coming back for more. This game is a huge game so you will be playing it for weeks or maybe months to come. Your hard earned money will go far with this title because there is a lot to do.

There is a lot of attention paid to detail, which makes for a unique and realistic experience for instance when you shoot a fire extinguisher it will shoot out white fire suppresser from the bullet hole. When you honk your horn people react. If your using a dual shock 3 controller and the thunder strikes your controller vibrates. When your phone rings you can set your in game cell phone to vibrate so that when your phone rings your controller vibrates. Cool huh?

Single player campaign you will start out with an apartment in the slums of Liberty City. The jobs you have the option of doing will allow you to work your way up gain new apartments and more money. The people you meet make the story interesting with plot twists and interesting characters. This in turn opens up the map and new places to eat and shop for clothing. Don't worry your clothing choices will get better and nicer as you progress.

You'll have the capability of driving or stealing cars, buses, motorcycles, scooters, fire trucks, cop cars, ice-cream trucks, garbage trucks, helicopters, no planes though in this one unlike San Andreas:( Although their will be late in the game the ability to get a helicopter with guns I believe its called the Annihilator.

If you get bored with single player campaign; it has online multiplayer mode for upto 16 players. Online mode not only allows to to free roam, but you have the option to free roam with out the burden of the police, which is kind of cool for a couple matches but the police actually make the game much more fun.

I enjoy playing this game tremendously and I'm sure you will too. If you don't crack up while playing this game and have a ball playing it then I guess you're just not human.