Grand Theft Auto 4 the best game in the series and a possible candidate for the best game of the year, thats damn right
User Rating: 9.5 | Grand Theft Auto IV PS3
Grand Theft Auto 4 is without a doubt one of the best games created this year. It has eveything from raceing expensive cars and killing people to taking a girl out on a date. The story is phenominal, it has humor, drama, action, romance and everything you would expect from a top notch story. It is nothing like the past gta's at all its like rockstar has created a completly new game. They have total revamped the shooting mechanics. You can now hide behind cover like in gears of war and the aiming is vey similar to that and resident evil 4. The driving is very percise even though it might take you an hour or two to get the hang of the controls. The game can be beat in just about forty hours if you just stick to the main story but thats hard to o considering all the things you can do in the city. You can bowl, play pool, surf the in game web, go out to eat, compete in street races, go out on a date and take them out for something to eat, and go to a strip club. This game never gets old with its varity of missions like settinfg up a date with a gay guy on the web so you can later kill him to robing a bank for a bunch of irish goons to finding that special some the protagonist niko bellic came to liberty city to find. And once you completed the amazing single player game its time to play online. With gta4's host of online modes you'll definetly be playing this game into next year. This game is by no means perfect though. It could have definetly benifited from checkpoints, and the cover systems is pretty flawed. If you don,t have online this game only warrents one more play through because after you beat the main story there really isn't anything else to do besides crappy ass side missions.But besides this Grand Theft Auto 4 should be a game played by everyone as long as your 17 because this game is definetly not for younger gamers. Now go out and play this game because your in for one hell of a ride.
P.S. sorry about chanig my review but after i beat MGS4 when i went back to this game and relized how flawed some of the aspects of this game were. Im not trying to keep people from playing this game, don't get me wrong. But it does not deserve a 10.