Keep your Money

User Rating: 6 | Grand Theft Auto IV X360
I decided to check out GTAIV. I am a huge fan of gears and I heard the battle system was like it. I thought this game would be interesting even though I have not liked previous grand theft auto's.

First I'd like to say who ever says the graphics are good is stupid. They are only good compared to the other crappier graphics of the GTA series. I don't know if they want to keep them that way or not but they are bad.

The driving gets annoying and I feel the in-game roaming is a little frustrating because you pretty much have to use cheats to get away with stuff. From knowing other GTA fan's they liked causing chaos in the city and having cops chase them and surviving. In this one you cannot. The littlest things trigger the cops, some in which make sense but put it this way if you are off killing people and don't have a record what makes you think the cops will not find you and keep you in jail? The game is clearly not worth a 10 out of 10. They had to have gotten paid off for the advertisement.

When I did ranking I got second in my group. I found it to be okay. Here is why the running sucks. I feel like it is an old N64 game where a person cannot make a quick turn. The character literally spins around. If they can make a cover system, then why do they make a character spin around fully in such a stupid way. The game's missions get old fast because they are like any other gta game. The game is a waste of time and I doubt you will be playing this more than a month. It gets old fast.