It looks like I will be moving to the V.S. to chase after the American Dream.
He first needs to climb up from the American Nightmare to achieve it........
The gam is absolutely awesome, brilliant and many other things.
The story revolves around a russian man who came to America to ezperience the American Dream along with his cousin Roman.
His name is Nico Belic (i hope I prenounce it right).
The story goes through Liberty City where you'll encounter lots of new missions and friends whom you can work with or work for.
You'll start with your cousin and then work through Liberty City and eventually you'll end up on the second and third island and complete the final mission.
That doesn't mean you'll have to stop playing cause there are several other missions you can perfotn by calling some of the friends you've made.
The graphics of the game are probably the best i have ever seen and believe me i have seen a lot ; )
Although there is only thing that i didn't like about it.
With some missions it is hard to find the exit or something else because it's so dark but that could also be my TV slthough I experienced it on other TV's too.
The controls and fighting and such stuff is nicely made although he runs kinda slow but i quess i can't make a complain about that cause the rest really compensates for it.
There isn't much left for me to say about this cause it is just really awesome.
Everything has it's own control and is easy to handle once you get the hang of it.
Conclusion: WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you got the money then don't hesitate!!!!!!