A must get game! (Read inside for details).
User Rating: 10 | Grand Theft Auto IV X360
With the limitless exploring and grand-theft-autoing there's no wonder that this game got a 10/10 on Gamespot. It lets you experience a game in a deeper level. You can go on dates, pick up hookers, get in a little trouble with the cops, go on random rampages, etc. There's no limit to what you can do. There is also a huge improvement with the AI, they recognize your driving, don't just get in the open to shoot you, cuss at you when you do something wrong. Another great add-on is the cellphone (which will help you a lot around the game). You can get a cab with it (the driver for the cab is really pissed at you...you'll know why if you get the game), call for a job, call to schedule a date, call to ask your friends to hang out with you., and many more. One con is the cops, the fuzz, the men in blue, or whatever you want to call the feds. They have a tiny search area which you can easliy escape. It can also be a good thing when your on a mission and you don't want to get bothered by them. Another great thing is the internet which you can get online people who are desperate for some luvin', or get a theme or ringtone for your phone. If your still not interested there is a large assortment availible of guns and vehicles. The vehicles include helicopters, boats , and of course cars. I hoped this review helped you.