Best in the GTA Series by far

User Rating: 10 | Grand Theft Auto IV X360
This game will have you at the edge of your seat (or hiding behind a gas cylinder firing a weapon at some guy you've just met; your choice). It has enough missions to keep you immersed in Liberty City with each mission bringing a new challenge with varying rewards. As you build up friendships with people who Niko meets in gameplay you unlock different special abilitys of the characters-For example, Roman, Niko's in-game cousin can offer a taxi service on demand, which can be really useful if you've just crashed your Sultan RS into the front of Star Junction's Burger Shot. You won't ever be let down by the superb graphics and gameplay; which makes this game to die for. My rating is 10/10! It is by far the best of the GTA series, with vast improvements on Vice City and San Andreas. There is a few little downsides such as not being able to swim underwater for example, but this is compensated by the amount of boats.
One of my personal favourite things about the game is in Algonquin, where Niko can pay $150 for a helecopter ride around Liberty City. The place is known as 'HeliTours' and is on the western docks of the city. It's very useful if you are trying to get a bird's eye view of your next place to visit in Liberty City, or maybe you'd rather jack the pilot out and weild the controls for yourself.