the latest is the greatest.
Ok.. I've never really liked the GTA series.. at all. I'm sure everyone will agree and admit that the funnest aspect of the games is just to cause the most mayhem as possible. On the older games.. all you really needed to do was own maybe one of the titles, and you're set.
Now GTA 4.. is quite a different story..
Graphics: 8.5
Yea I know most won't be happy with this rating, but the character models are a little toony, and at times can really lack the appropriate expression for certain actions. It's no biggie, but I feel that they could have been beefed up a little more. On a side note, the city is gorgeous. No where near as mapped out as Assasins Creed but come on.. no loading times at all between areas? Thats heavy duty draw distance. Which demands immediate respect.
Gameplay: 10
I've read a few reviews that it wasn't any fun to play this game because 1. The fighting is too hard to grasp.. 2. Driving is crap since its too hard to steer. 3. The cops are too hard to get away from.
Alright.. here's my counter.. 1. The fighting is NOT that hard.. all I do is button mash an I can basically take down anyone. Perhaps a little juvenille but hey, do whatchya can right? 2. Of corse the driving is hard.. I guarantee you anybody who complains about the driving probably isn't a professional stunt driver.. it's called realism.. and the steering abilities obviously are going to vary from car to car.. here's my suggestion to the whiners.. stop stealing a crap car, and bash the game cause you can't outrun suped up cop cars in a friggin boat.
3. .. do I really need to contest this arguement? How many times have any of you ran away from the cops after a shooting spree.. or for that matter.. ever ran away from them at all.. go ahed and try my friends.. I guarantee you GTA is quite lenient in this aspect.
Anyway.. Multiplayer is a blast.. I won't spoil the moments but just imagine 16 people duking it out in the biggest sandbox environment ever constructed on a gaming scale.. its amazing
Controls: 9.0
I love the feel of the game. Button placement is very convienient and to me, it takes a very comfortable learning curve to grasp. If you've played previous titles it feels pretty much the same apart from the auto aim and cover system.
Sound: 9.0
Everything is up to par here.. the only complaint I have is the radio.. I really think the commercials plus talk shows are too beligerant, and really not that funny. The stand up comedian clubs are okay.. I'm not much into Kat Williams etc.. per say, but it adds a nice perk.
Value: 10
yea.. its definately worth the 60 dollars.. I guarantee you every play through the game will never be the same.. unless you absolutely want it to be.. (uhm..why?) The campaign is amazingly fun, and the multiplayer is so addictive.. its too hard to really complain about. If you got the cash for it, my suggestion is to not miss out.
p.s. - this is important.. THIS GAME IS NOT FOR FRIGGIN KIDS.. I'M so dead serious on this.. if you're under 17 and you're crying cause mom and dad wont let you get it.. all the power to em. It really ticks me off playing online and hearing kid's voices cussin up a storm as they drive by.