GTA the saga continues
I've heard soooo many mixed reviews about this game i have heard people blaming marketing getting it 10/10. I have heard people complain about the changes, each to there own devices. Blood Diamonds The good, the bad and the ugly
Let's start of with the good, The new driving system is a brilliant addition it makes if feel like your driving a car not a match box i always felt that the cars in the old GTA games felt uninspired, The ability to shoot 360 degrees around your car makes chase down and kill all the more easy and fun, the phone this is really smart some times when you get a call during a mission it's always a laugh to listen to NIko tell them what's going on using the phone to meet up with your friends (even criminals have to wind down), the bowling etc... this is what the last GTA's lacked the ability to have fun out of the missions, shooting BOOM HEADSHOT has never felt so good on a GTA game you really feel like you killed someone here, not like the old GTA games where you feel you shot a card board cut out and cover shooting unlike the other gta games Niko doesn't feel like the terminator unlike the previous games.
The Bad: MONEY!!! yes it's grate having money but like all GTA games there isn't enough for you to spend money on, unlockables not enough of them when ever you did side missions in the old GTA you unlocked a skill or weapon, hidden content not much is there i thought Vice city had loads of hidden content to keep you chuckling to your self.
The Ugly (what i think should of been added): The ability to buy cars and fine tune the bodies after your purchased your car if you lost it, it would reappear in a garage that you have bought, if your were arrested you had to buy it out the impound. In game music player/radio when on foot i always hated the fact you could have an MP3 player or radio i know the xbox 360 you can play your own music. But with the Rockstar cheek i'm sure they could of come with a Tri-pod (just like the i-pod but a triangle for the buttons) which could allow you to upload your own music to it or connect to the ingame radios why walking around. More things to spend your money on, there wasn't enough to spend money on at all even with GTA:SA you could of spent all your money in a casino or on the amount of clothing you could get your hands on.
In conclusion, GTA is still growing strong i feel that If they make a new gta it will include more unlockables at least, i can't be the only one angry about that, But i have not enjoyed GTA as much as i have this one i am going to look forward to playing this one over and over again. The reason it didn't get a straight 10 is because nothing to spend money on. Any thought about this mail me i am looking to get better at this writing gig
Thank for your time B.D.