Great but , still it's so over- hyped !!! especially by gamespot! That or the world have lost morals..

User Rating: 6 | Grand Theft Auto IV PS3
Come now ! ... 10 \ 10 ?

There's no actual perfect game and i mean by perfect - completed , right , amazing , Creative , Legendary ... and 'Appropriate' !!!

The Bad :

How come a game that full of Swearing , cursing , sexuallty and half nudity is deserved to have this rate ? I'm not underaged to say that or even a father i'm a young free 19 years old adult and this game's method really disturbed me and especially when my family around me watching me play !

I feel worried and annoyed all the time , its like i'm watching a pron (i know the spelling) movie , sometimes i play it alone in my room so there wont be an embaressment to me .

Even if i dont mind swearing at all , still this game keeps pops-out with *beeping* Words Over , over and over again!! i even sometimes lose my Appetite when i'm about to eat .

The Good :

Great Graphics , sound affects , gameply , story-line. That must be said!

Plus the shooting effects at people is brilliant and violently agressive and thats a good thing , also needless to say the car damages effects is so realistic and unique in this big type of game .

Conclusion :

Fun game overall , but unAppropriate ... What a Shame Rock^Star.