Please IGN. :\
But I was sick of the story line. It was broken boring and nothing I hadn't seen before. That's when I lost interest of the GTA series. Now that this one is out. I only got just $60 on something. Now before I really start hating on it (like I do to everything), I will say that I did get my moneys' worth of entertainment. There are so many things to do in the game.
Although, they're are problems with that. Some of the things you can do in the game are just plainly dumb. First: friends. I guess Rockstar North thought that the only people playing this game would be people who have virtual buddies. Well wrong. Half the game I'm having to pick them up, drive them somewhere they would enjoy, pretend to enjoy myself for half-an-hour, then drive them back to their house or apartment, go get a hot dog watch the T.V. and then go to sleep. Then I thought..... "wait, am I playing Grand Theft Auto 4 or Grand Theft Actual New York Life.
So I decided to get steel a car run over some hobo, and a cop as eager as I was for this, turned on his sirens and started chasing me. That's when I thought "now I'm getting back to what GTA was", right? WRONG! (and shut up). I easily escaped him within 2 minutes, and BAM! Niko Bellik, model citizen. I felt cheated in some way. Anyway. The control scheme is terrific, except for the always auto-targeting. When I feel like pointing my gun at someone in a car, I want to. Not to just point it at some random person on the street. But I thank God for the auto-targeting in a way. Because when you start to get in action everything looks like a bunch of blobs. So you can't see everything as well. Multi-player is good not great.
It was too hyped. I like the different games their are. My personal favorite being Cop's and Crook's. But it is mediocre and I've seen this kind of multi-player before. Well not the free roaming part, but everything else. The story is not that great in my opinion. I mean you have to do what else, but rise to the top using stolen cars and dead bodies. But Niko Bellick is probably the most interesting character in the series though. The driving in the game is a lot better. I mean I can actually win a street race in a GTA game now.
And driveby's are one of my favorite things to do in the game.
There has always been a speculation whether a game that starts out witty and wacky should take a step to grittiness and realism.
I do like what Rockstar has done, I just don't think that they were ready for that. But hey, what I say isn't going to stop them from making so much money. Rockstar is like the the third-party version of Nintendo. They could make a game about a donkey picking it's butt all day. And make over 300 million dollars in two days with it.
So all in all. It's a good game. But not 10/10.