Grand Theft Auto 4. Hmm. Good game? Yes. Overrated much? Definately yes. While GTA4 is fun, it is also nothing too new.,

User Rating: 9 | Grand Theft Auto IV PS3
Grand Theft Auto 4

For months and months, Gamespot and many other huge GTA fans talked about this game, saying it was going to be the best game ever and blah blah. Yes, Grand Theft Auto 4 is a very good game. But it was also very much overrated. This game is almost exactly like the other GTA games, throwing in some new gameplay here and there, upgrading the graphics, and throwing in a fairly good online system. Unlike the other GTA games, this one does have a better storyline, and a much more likable character. But other then that, i'm getting the feeling that i've been there and done that, over and over again until my brain explodes. But other then that, it does give you a new feel to things that does make it feel like it is a new experience. Meh, it's pretty good though. Go buy it, all you PS3 and Xbox360 owners.

Random blank space of doom...