Disaster strikes the GTA universe. For the first time, a GTA game that feels unfinished?

User Rating: 8.5 | Grand Theft Auto IV X360
Let me explain to you first what I wrote in my above statement about an unfinished game. This may not have been Rockstars initial plans, seeing as Microsoft would want to reap in the huge mounds of cash from the downloadable content. I would understand if there were some small modifications they would add, but don't leave it off on an unfinished plot thread forcing people to buy the next chapter in what goes on. Why focus on story when you could focus on enhancing the gameplay?

Speaking of story, I felt pretty detached from this GTA. I was gladly anticipating to run around as an eastern European, pounding anyone I disliked but soon found out that it wasn't as enjoyable as I imagined. Basicly, you come to America off a ship (big surprise). First thing that happens you meet your cousin Roman who has quite an interesting personality at first, but later starts getting dull. First few missions start off by introducing you to some of the members of the Russian mob. From here it's just keep whacking guys in different ways till you finally reach the top and there's nobody else to kill but the guy who's been giving you the missions. Now, there are quite a few interesting variety into killing your mission objectives, and not all the missions are purely drive to A, Kill target B, run from cops. There are a few very exciting missions that I will mention later on. I'll mention that the "choosing" system is completely flat and dull. It gave me no sense that I was controlling the story because either way I'd end up with a similar or slightly different outcome. There are a few noteworthy characters in the story plot, some are very interesting, like the Head of the Liberty Newspaper, who's enshrouded in mystery, or the crazy pumped up Brucie who is just beat down crazy or Packie McCreary who's one of the most violent characters in this entire game set aside you. The rest are the usual mobsters, gangsters and drug dealers. Of course they vary but they have no uniqness they had towards them as in previous GTA games. Overall the story had a bland ending, where a major character dies, one of them being someone you'd probably feel some regret killing off, the other you'd cheer and jump because you'd never get laid no matter how hard you tried. Speaking of hard, the game difficulty isn't set too high. Some encounters may be frustrating but it doesn't involve extensive thinking, just get behind cover and shoot.

GTA 4 was based on realism. Rockstar was going down the right path but then they got too serious with it. Almost everything that was fun in previous GTA's, was the ability to wreak total havoc in different and interesting ways. GTA 4 you can't "stack" huge explosions and they feel rather small, and the impact you deal on your surroundings isn't as large or greater felt as in the previous installments.

Coming to gameplay elements. A nice feature is the cellphone, which you can use you access multiplayer, call people for various things and take pictures. Friends are what I think is the bane of this game. It is fun at start, and from time to time, but picking up person A, taking him somewhere (usually to the same spot, where darts, pool and bowling do get boring after a while) then taking him back don't feel really attractive anymore. Some of the perks you get for friendship are quite nice, but you still have to keep in contact with your friends or you'll lose them.

Shooting has been greatly improved in the game. The cover system is great as there is nothing more satisfying than pulling a 90 degree handbrake stop, getting out of the vehicle, ducking behind it and pummeling the enemy with a shower of AK 47 rounds. The aiming system has a refined auto-lock on system, that allows you to slightly tilt the aimer if you want a precise headshot or other body part wound. The weapons are great in this game. The developers have really chosen the ideal weapons for this game, each has a unique sound, effect and each reacts differently so shooting is always entertaining.

Driving plays a big part in this game as well, and here I will mention straight off the bat, the soundtrack to this game is much worse compared to previous installments. The talk shows have incredibly low content, I feel that after 1 hour, I've finished with a particular station as I've heard everything there is and they just keep repeating themselves too often for my taste. They've gone for a more broader view of music but they could've put more effort into making more content, then more content specifically involving Liberty City. Driving I must admit is a big improvement in this installment. The physics are amazing as you fly out the front window after you hit an object at high speeds (Kinda makes you wonder after 30 times why Niko doesn't learn his lesson and put on a speed belt?) and it never gets old, and on a side not, seat belts would ruin the game. Driving feels more realistic now, you can't take a turn at super high speeds, water comes into effect after its rained, car damage is significantly more detailed now and stunt jumps are as great as ever.

Audio in this game is great for when your in the city, but the radio content makes me cringe and makes this game lose quite a bit of marks.

The multiplayer is fun I must say. Some of the modes don't appeal to my tastes as they seem a bit slow paced, taking forever to reach a certain player, having to exit vehicles to gather weapons, makes it a bit tedious at times. Random Free Mode matches turn into straight up Deathmatches where anyone shoot anyone. Notable mentions here are the racing and 4 player co-op missions which are all great. Racing is a great deal of fun but usually involves the first person being able to get past the first corner car pile up. Ranks in multiplayer don't make a difference, hardly significant at all lest your a fashion freak and even then it seems a bit bland but overall the multiplayer component is a great new feature.

As for the finale, I'll mention that it's still worth getting this game, as I'm not saying this game is rubbish but that a few things that long term GTA fans love are missing. There's nothing more memorable than the bank stealing mission, which everyone will agree on was a great stroke by Rockstar. It really felt amazing, being armed to the teeth with body armor and assault rifles, blasting your way through cops and trying to outrun them. Nice, improved gameplay, with not much new added and a lot of good old taken away, above average audio (could be better), great graphics and physics, and a semi-decent replay value give this game an 8.5.

Sorry fellow reviewers but comparing with the old, it's more of a downgrade in fun, upgrade in eye candy.